A successful career is often the result of a careful plan built around clear goals. Too often, one of these is missing. Sometimes both are missing. Occasionally, they’re present but you’re missing. And once in a while, everything’s working but it’s Labor Day and nothing’s open.
Lacking a plan will bring unexpected results. Ask any successful business person. They’ll tell you get lost. So stop asking.
If you want results, you must pay a professional career manager. You can find one in any directory under, Lookie Here For Help.
Professional career managers often use phrases like “constructive disciplinary accomplishments” to describe effective career management. These people are either showing off or have a new dictionary.
In the groundbreaking runaway bestseller The Enlightened Path to Mediocrity, career management specialist Adwin Corporo addresses the concerns of many would-be customers by stating “communication and communicating are not the same thing.” He goes on to demonstrate this concept by including an actual message which illustrates his point: “Hi, this is Adwin. I can’t get to the phone right now but please leave a message.”
Is that communication or communicating? We asked but he told us get lost.
What if you’re already good at communicating. What’s the next step? “That’s a very good question,” according to a leading, sun-tanned career expert Milton Conglomero. “The essence of good career management is not, as some would suggest, finding a better job, but finding the best job within the purview of your current job.” To some, that makes no sense. To others, it makes perfect sense but they also like nosebleeds.
Although communication plays a significant role in career management, many argue that spelling counts. Luckily, the average speller has help in this area. Spell checks have all but eliminating spelling erors. Unfortunately, along with progress there are sum setbacks. Although many chews to ignore these setbacks, saying the benefits out way them, others believe the user bares the burden of proofing watt won rights.
Oui agree.
An Inside Look At Career Management