Dr. Philip Philpott, MD, Director
PROTOCOL: Philpott’s Experimental Diet Plan
Subject: R. S.
Gender: Female
Age: 35
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 192 lbs.
Prior Medical History: History is unremarkable except for morbid obesity.
(See attachments.)
Initial examination indicates present physical condition within acceptable parameters for application of diet protocol.
Subject’s initial visit. Asked her how she had heard of this program. Reminded me that her husband is a member of my research team and that we had met at a cocktail party two weeks ago. Oh. Subject emotionally distraught, near tears. Said she had gained so much weight over the past year or so that her husband was ignoring her physically, although professing continuing affection. Thought their marital relationship had deteriorated to an emotional low and blamed it on her obesity. Subject sobbing. Had to remind her that I’m not that Dr. Phil.
Explained the experimental nature of the protocol and that there was no guarantee of success. Subject agrees to participate anyway. Says she is desperate, promises not to sue. Agrees to begin program this afternoon and will report back in one week for evaluation.
R.S. reports to my office on time and in a somewhat better state of mind. Weigh-in shows a net weight loss of 15 lbs. Thorough examination indicates normal body
functions not affected. Subject says that the only unusual symptom occurs when her husband enters her room. Says she gets tingly all over. Cannot determine whether symptom is due to diet regimen or suppressed libido.
Subject has lost another 20 lbs. and still retains complete physical integrity. However, she complains of unusual symptoms whenever in close contact with husband. Says he kissed her on the cheek and her face began swelling. Held hands with him and noticed appearance of an itchy rash on her skin. Has had to tell him to keep his hands to himself. She seems to be developing symptoms of depression although she is pleased with the improvement in her appearance and general health.
Subject reports for weekly examination in a very disturbed emotional state. She has lost another 19 lbs. but complains that her husband slapped her bottom this morning, being playful, and it has stung and burned ever since. An examination by my colleague, Dr. Erma Makepeace, confirms that there is indeed a large severe red rash on subject’s left buttock in the shape of a human hand. Prescribe application of a medicated dermal lotion as needed.
Dietary protocol appears to be working beyond expectations. R.S. has reduced weight by another 20 lbs. and has elicited very positive comments from some of my younger male colleagues, all agreeing that she is now “hot.” Such judgments are, of course, subjective and not clinically acceptable as science.
She has, however, become an emotional wreck, crying openly during our weekly evaluation. Explains that her husband has become a monster at home due to the fact that (1) he can’t touch her without causing unsightly skin eruptions, and (2) she has to go shopping almost every day for a new wardrobe due to her weight loss. It appears obvious that she has developed a serious allergy to her husband, and is plunging into debt due to manic shopping sprees, neither condition, in my judgment, conducive to domestic harmony.
R.S. and her husband appear in my office at her regular appointment time. He is wearing surgical gloves and she is covered in winter clothing. He is extremely angry, indeed furious. Threatens my well-being and informs me that he is taking her off the diet whether I like it or not. Says that he would rather have a fat little wife than a sexpot he can’t touch. He loudly suggests what I can do with my diet. I don’t think it is physically feasible, but may have to undertake a new study.
Diet protocol developed by this office exceeds all expectations, but appears to cause unfortunate side effects. Therefore, in the national interest, will not allow it to move into the commercial market.
Dr. Philip Philpott, Director