Our economy is in bad shape and we’re leaving the tab open for our future generation to pick up. Congress is spending its way out of a recession by writing I.O.U.’s to China and simultaneously writing U.O.Me’s to a bunch of insolvent embryos in the fetal position needing to take out a second mortgage on the womb who might want to consider a foreclosure in nine months or so.
Considering our Government’s spending frenzy, it’s maddening that they only spent 48 hours reviewing and approving a 1,200 page spending bill for 700 billion dollars. That seems hasty.
The Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, Chris Dodd, is accountable for authorizing egregious bonuses to banking CEO’s whose corporations accepted federal bailout money whilst at the precipice of bankruptcy. Instead of carefully dotting every “i” and crossing every “t” of the banking bailout, Senator Dodd was crossing his eyes like a dodd-ering tease in the face of our country’s biggest financial staring contest since The Great Depression. Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi can’t stop blinking.
We are governed by a system of checks and balances and yet the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, Barney Frank, can’t balance a checkbook. More and more, we appear to be governed by a system of bounced checks hanging in the balance.
The national credit score is lower than a limbo stock for a day trader selling short, yet the government is almost bending over backwards to print new money in order to spend more money.
Our country has an addiction to money, ATM, and every time we try to kick the habit of “borrow and spend” we go right back into withdrawals.
America is getting soft, so it’s time to get the old muscle car back into the body shop. We need to start maintaining a lean mean fiscal physique, but instead we would prefer to stretch ourselves thin. Good news! Finally America will be tightening its belt despite an ongoing obesity epidemic.
The bad news, the United States Centaurs, half-pols / half-wits, are playing financial planner with the American taxpayer’s portfolio in the rotunda of the political pantheon. “With all due respect Senator, those pantheons make your buttress look rotunda.”
Does anyone realize that all this “pork barrel” spending could be avoided if we put our money in the piggy bank?
Speaking of euphemisms, the linguistically laden jargon used by politicians and pundits when explaining bailout, upon bailout, upon bailout, practically requires a glossary of terms. The intentionally mellifluously sounding vernacular for the Economic Stimulus Package is merely “shovel ready chivalry”.
“Shovel ready” really means our national debt is digging itself out of a hole straight to China.
China owns our debt and we have access to their debit card. The marvelous part is that Chinese visa’s don’t have credit limits. Consequently, our economy is stuck in a set of Chinese finger cuffs with both middle fingers. At least our representatives still have their thumbs for twiddling.
On the flip side, big government has blamed big business for the economic collapse. The truth is that both private and public sectors are running around like Kung Pao chickens with their heads cut off.
The opportunistic aspect of capitalism dictates that your job may be outsourced overseas so the corporate giants can get the most Bangkok for the buck. Thus, foreign laborers work hard at taking jobs from us that we work hard at taking for granted and who can blame them?
If money talks and BS walks (between us and China), you know which side of the walkie-talkie the U.S. Department of Treasury is holding.
Topics of economics are exhausting, exasperating and quite truly way above my pay grade . . .
I’m spent.