Across the Political Spectrum, Politician Distrust of Voters is at an All Time High.
A recent Zugsby poll of elected officials serving in county, state, and national offices has revealed that that 72% of the nation’s politicians disapprove of the recent performance of American voters. Poll results indicate that 90% percent of politicians who belong to the Republication party are dissatisfied with the recent voting habits of voters who identified themselves as Democrats.
However, the poll also revealed that 56% of Democrat politicians do not approve of the Democratic voter practice of voting for Mick Jagger on the “no satisfaction” ticket.
And politicians from both parties expressed disapproval of the Democratic voter practice of donating money to organic food co-ops and deep-breathing yoga instructors before giving money to political campaigns.
And, according to Zugsby pollsters, both Republicans and Democratic politicians hold negative views of the growing number of voters that stay mad at the
President more than eight working hours a day.
Republican Congressman Maxigrandon of Mississippi told Zugsby pollsters:
“Voters who articulate a vociferous protestation of the President’s takeover of the economy, do nothing but remind other voters that the President has succeeded in implementing his agenda.”
Democratic Congressman Vincy La-Fazio of New Jersey told the Zugsby phone recorder:
“Republican voters that gripe about the President’s takeover of economy are passing the buck — billions of bucks — from private corporations onto the Democratic party. This means that voters blame Democratic politicians for interfering in the economy, not doing something about the economy, and not interfering with the politicians who are doing something about economy. ”
A day after his Zugsby interview, Congressman Maxigrandon described the current mood of Congress to a visiting group of Mississippi voters, voters who admitted that they may have lost touch with the average Congressional representative in Washington:
“We hear-tell stories of fired-up voters who call talk-radio stations twice a day and threaten to do ‘something.’ But politicians want action. If only 39% of Mississippi voters can raise up enough energy to find their way to a polling booth, as in the last election, I promise, come late November the politicians are going to cut earmarks to Mississippi by 61 percent.“
Congressman La-Fazio of New Jersey told six remaining Mississippi tourists:
Frankly, I am fed up with constituents who demand that Congress provide money for a Rolling Stones museum, with a satisfaction guarantee; fund a new hospital, just outside the siren range of their house; hire more teachers, until their son graduates — and then turn around and blame me for being a spend and waste, deficit-loving, chicken feathers, liberal hugging, politician.”
Said La-Fazio’s left-side aide:
“What the Congressman is trying to say, is that voters live in a world so surrounded by entitlements that they fail to see that there is an another world where the average politician is barely able to make it; running from pillar to post, working two committees at once, and fundraising into the middle of the night, just to keep that nation’s finances from sinking below the bottom line.”
The Zugsby poll also confirmed that local politicians have grown increasing hostile to voters in their own district.
Florida’s Pasco county commissioner, Thad Schomber:
“Pasco county voters whine over bad roads. They moan about a lack of jobs. They complain about high taxes. But every time we send out a crew out to fix the roads the voters gripe that we are wasting their precious tax money to create traffic jams.“
Indiana’s Boone County commissioner Charles Earlton:
“I have never seen my fellow politicians as upset at voters as they have been this past six months. Voters blame politicians when a stray dog urinates in their yard. Voters blame politicians when they disagree with the graffiti at the local bus-stop. And voters blame politicians every time Honky Tonk Woman comes on the radio and they no longer fanaticize about having physically contorted sex.”
Pasco county commissioner Schomber:
“If the voters don’t shape up, come next election, we are putting the whole state system on butterfly ballots.”
Indiana county commissioner Earlton:
“I am tired of Boone county voters blaming county commissioners for the corruption in Afghanistan and turning around to ask my secretary where Afghanistan is and who the county commissioners are.”
Mr. Earlton then added:
“Politicians around here have lost so much trust in the local voters, that my colleagues are talking about broadening out, getting away from it all, and running for national office.”