[Council Officers: Nicholas, Terry, Sybil; Rabble-rousers: Tibbs, Polly; Full bladder: Audrey]
Nicholas: “The first meeting of the Council will now come to order.”
Tibbs: “Order what? Take-out?”
Polly: “I have been craving Thai.”
Tibbs: “What about fish?”
Polly: “Who delivers fish?”
Sybil: “Order. Organized. ‘Come to order’ means stop squawking and pay attention.”
Polly: “Will there be any snacks?”
Audrey: “I have to go.”
Tibbs: “Go where?”
Audrey: “No, I have to GO.”
Nicholas: “There will be no snacks. This council will now come to order.”
Tibbs: “Order what?”
Terry: “Sssh.”
Nicholas: “The first item of business is electing Council officers. I will accept nominations for the offices of Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary.”
Polly: “Ooh! Pick me!”
Tibbs: “Why you?”
Polly: “I want an office! And a chair!”
Tibbs: “Audrey! Audrey could be an office!”
Sybil: “R.”
Tibbs: “R?”
Sybil: “Office-R. Officer.”
Audrey: “Maybe later.”
Tibbs: “Do you nominate someone to be a chair or be in chair? I don’t see how we could elect someone to be a chair. I nominate Nicholas to be in a chair!”
Nicholas: “There has been a motion to nominate me to be an officer of the Council. Do I hear a second?”
Tibbs: “A second what?”
Polly: “A second nomination, I guess. I nominate Sybil too!”
Nicholas: “Do I hear a second–Is there anyone else who wants me to be nominated? “
Polly: “Yeah!”
Tibbs: “Totally!”
Nicholas: “And can I have a second for Sybil?
Tibbs: “You can have all day if you want.”
Audrey: “Oh, no.”
Nicholas: “Is there anyone else who wants Sybil to be nominated?”
Tibbs: “Yeah!”
Polly: “Totally!”
Audrey: “I really have to go bad.”
Nicholas: “We need at least one more nomination.”
Tibbs: “What about Terry? He could do it! I nominate Terry to be in a chair!”
Polly: “Where does he stand on the snack issue?”
Terry: “I can do it.”
Nicholas: “Anyone else for Terry?”
Polly: “OK.”
Tibbs: “Yeah, Terry!”
Nicholas: “Are there any other nominations?”
Polly: “Do we get snacks now?”
Audrey: “If this doesn’t end soon I am going to go right here.”
Nicholas: “We will now vote to elect Sybil, Terry, and me to be officers of the council. All in favor, say ‘Aye.’”
All: “Aye!”
Nicholas: “Sybil, Terry, and I have been elected officers of the council. We will take a 10-minute recess.”
Audrey: “Oh, thank God.”
10 minutes later…
Nicholas: “The meeting will come to order…”
Tibbs: “…Chinese!”
Polly: “I love the wonton noodles.”
Terry: “Sssh.”
Nicholas: “The purpose of this meeting is to adopt rules to govern meetings of the Council. I propose that we adopt Robert’s Rules of Order.”
Tibbs: “Who is Robert?”
Sybil: “He devised rules. Of order. For meetings. It is just a way of taking turns so we don’t sound like a bunch of crickets making a racket with their legs.”
Tibbs: “A racquet? With their legs? Do they make tiny little nets too? I would like to see that!”
Polly: “No, a racket. Noise. Din. Hubbub.”
Tibbs: “Who are you calling ‘Bub’, Bub?
Terry: Sssh.
Nicholas: “To start the meeting, the chair calls the meeting to order…”
Tibbs and Polly: “Pizza!”
Nicholas: “Council members can ask the chair to be recognized to speak.” Once everyone has been heard, a member may make a motion to vote. If a majority vote in favor whatever it is that we are considering, the proposal is enacted. If you want to postpone discussion of the issue, you make a motion to Lay on the Table.”
Tibbs: “Table? What happened to the chairs?”
Nicholas: “During the debate, if a member of the assembly has a question for the chair, the member can say, ‘Point of Information.’”
Tibbs: “Point of Information! Why can’t we just say ‘I have a question.’”
Nicholas: “Because that’s the rule. If you think another member is violating the rules, you say, ‘Point of Order.’”
Tibbs: “Point of Order!”
Sybil: “We haven’t adopted the rules yet, so whatever your point is, it’s moot.”
Polly: “That means zip it, turkey breath.”
Nicholas: “A member can also make motions to Appeal the Decision of the Chair.”
Tibbs: “Which would be moot now, right?”
Terry: “Will you just shut up!?!”
Sybil: “I move that we adopt Robert’s Rules of Order for Council meetings.”
Nicholas: “All in favor, say ‘Aye.’”
All: “Aye!”
Nicholas: “All opposed, say ‘Nay.’ The Ayes have it. Robert’s Rules of Order will be in effect from this point forward. We are adjourned.”