Every good story has a little history to it. This one began several years ago when a sighting of a large creature was reported and it seemed to be carrying a goat. It made the rounds in our local newspapers. At the time I was in a softball league and a neighbor of mine, Wally, was on our team. He was, to say the least, a hairy guy, plus he sported long bushy hair and a full beard. So I got this idea and sent it in to a local radio station where it was read verbatim over the air.
“Sasquatch was just visiting his little bro Wally S. They had a little backyard goat feed and everything was going fine until they got into a small argument. Finally Sass declared he had to leave because of the smell and took off west. He was seen again at Dave & Donna’s tavern over there in Globe. Yah, seems Donna tried to recruit him for her horseshoe team, but Sass only likes to throw the whole dang horse. He left when Donna hit him up for his brother’s tab. He was last seen staggering into the Clark County Forest singing “99 bottles of beer on the stump”.”
He hasn’t been seen since, but we are watching for him. Wally won’t tell us where he is.